Saturday 28 April 2012

100% Real

Hey blog readers~~~ Sorry for not blogging in lyk AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS~~ but yea.. just didn't know what to write about otherwise i had no time to blog. As usual i have prepared a poem for you guys to read >< ENJOY~~

Can you feel the wind in your hair
The slight sweetness in the air
Can you feel the sun's warm light
And the seductiveness of the night

All of these are 100% real
But somehow they seem so surreal
Now look up into the vast, overwhelming sky
And see the two moons  that circle the sky

One represents  your hopes and dreams
Ready for you to grab it by its seams
The other represents the bonds you create
Through time and generations it permeates

In its moonlight you sit and bathe
Around you its energy begins to swathe
The energy it gives you is power and might
That gives you the force to fight

To fight for your dreams and to fight for what's right
Keeping the ray of hope shining bright
And soon they will be more than surreal
They will be 100% real

Anyway i'll find time to blog again ^^ Until then 


p.s. Although this is really late but I GOT A NEW PHONE!! LIKE FINALLY!!! 
p.p.s Thanks to Stephanie Davidson and Celine Lee for proofreading this poem and giving advice to me.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Short post about whats happening :P

Hey guys, i took like a 3 months break from blogging....ok maybe more....but yea lifes been getting busy, with ioc and all this shit coming up, i finally understand what the past grade 12s mean by busy. However, you are just in this mood, where you know theres a fing IB assessment thats worth 15% of your grade, yet you do not want to do it, you do not want to study for it! and its rite in front of you! those moods are by far the worst moods you can ever get so if you ever get stuck, just go do something else. if you have any tips of how to get motivated, feel free to comment, as i am sure it will apply to a lot of people in my grade rite now, but u know what, ioc, YOUR ON!