Monday 31 December 2012


Hey guys,
So much have happened since I last blogged…..and yea I know that was about a million years ago! GJ Andy though, my awesome co-blogger always blogging away. So much things have happened both academically and socially, but I really don’t know where to start…..

Ok well for starters up, IB is finished!!!!!!!!!!!! The amount of joy that went through my head the moment I finished my last exam was unbelievable. IB is a really challenging course and every IB student would tell you how good it feels to finish it as well as there is no way on earth they will be willing to complete it again. But one would also not believe that during the period of IB exams, what IB students are like…. My friend’s skype convo:

“Ms Teacher has forbidden us to do any more paper 1’s”
“but then if I don’t do it I’m bored….”

Note: This Convo was not exaggerated, but exactly what my two friends said, apart from the fact it was actually the teachers name.
Thinking back, I actually went through that as well and probably was in the same state as them, I cannot believe how I managed to survive.:D

2nd thing that comes into my mind….graduation
Finally graduated….3 months holiday….than UNI =D On the last week of school, everybody was practically having fun, nobody wanted to do anything. Hey, we have finished all our syllabus for every subject, give us a break. And the time at my school is really amazing, it’s a very unique and unforgettable one…. The friendship you gain at QA will be life-lasting and very strong, because you have just been through so much pain with them ahahhahaha, true story=D. Here are some graduation pics:

Hahah if you can find me, gjgj! That day was very relaxed and rewarding, once you receive your graduation certificate, for some reason, everybody seems to want to boast about it in front of your friends for a second, even though everybody got one. We all graduated XD

3rd thing that comes into mind….party at penny’s
First thing I’d like to say: THANKYOU PENNY!!!! The party was pretty awesome, had so much fun, had so much food =D. hhahaa if some of you rmbr, I was wanting to have a waterfight at the end of school, I did, but it was so much more fun this time with everybody playing, especially with a hose as well. Since I suggested the idea, yes I got completed soaked, no thanks to Anita….and like everyone LOL. However, it was so much fun….thank god I brought change. Some pics:

Yeap, getting ready…..

Coz ppl live so far away, Wilbur and I slept over at vincent’s. We ended up playing halo till like 3’o’clock before we went to sleep…. When I woke up, I realised my waterbottle… had soaked my entire laptop…including like motherboard, cpu, harddrive… mmm thank god my warranty still lasted. So then I went to school again in non-uniform for like the first time, to get my laptop fixed, my id card and ofc to see someone who just completed IB =D. And then Wilbur and I went home to catch up on some sleep….which we never did since we just decided to call each other on skype when we got home. Talking about final exam, I just found this pic I just randomly want to add in, (加油is gl which is also literally translated it as add oil)

Hhaha yes this is what my group does on skype everyday…

 Anyways, after this event, we were all thinking of organising another one before ppl go to different countries, and need to take place asap…. So I kinda made everybody go to roma park with only a day early notice…haha but it was still quite fun

And yes we played cards….how can an Asian picnic be complete without big 2 ahhahaa

Group pic =D
There are more things that happened, I will make it up in a separate post, but something that happened quite recently: My BD!Unfortunately, most of my group were in dif. Countries at the time, but I still had a mini party XD. Due to some stupid last min changes, we had more much more pizza than expected, and it was especially not helpful when we just all skulled down so much coke…. Well most of us apart from 1 person….hahaha u know who u r. 

Yes we had 5 bottles of 1.25 L, and only like 1.5 remained….. gives u an idea of how much coke we drank ahahahah. Oh and thankyou Tony for the wonderful bd present:

Yea, he didn’t mange to troll me, but it was pretty good I must admit. It did manage to troll somebody else however hahaha. And awesomely hand-drawn troll face. I would also like to thank someone for baking me the most delicious cupcakes. They were amazing…and that’s obviously because of more than one reason XD.
This has been the longest blogpost I have ever done! Thankyou to the 2 ppl who motivated me.

Liang XD
p.s. oh and enjoy the last few hrs of 2012, HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!

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