Monday 31 October 2011


You will never be excluded from my life
As to my world you are the spice
You add to my world your flavour, your style
And lets not forget that wonderful smile

You brighten the day for this chappy lad
No matter how bad a day I had
Thinking of you brings tear to my eyes
Especially when I think back to all those lies

Now look at what has happened to us
The lies has managed to separate us
It is time to talks things out
So please let me just work things out

Andy xD

Saturday 29 October 2011

Let me bet..... u said omg

Hey guys,

i came across a couple of pictures rescently and found them scary....

So yea first photo you see:

 Hey, she's hot rite? look at her!!!, ok let me rephrase that look at him!!!


Let me bet..... u said omg!


Thats all for now,
Liang XD


What is this feeling of wanting to be
To be surrounded by friends dear to me
That feeling you get of safety and satisfaction
That clears away all life's distractions

I remember this feeling from years ago
I used to have it wherever I go
This feeling I now hardcore search for
This feeling of which I want more

The feeling of belonging is what everyone needs
How else will their hearts cease to bleed
So once you get it, hold it close to your heart
Before it goes away on a one-way kart 

Andy xD

Friday 28 October 2011

Business Revision Group


As some of you already know, i have been holding a business revision group rescently, its been going quite well, but i think we all need more practise on actually doing the questions. But anyway, here are some photos i took of it, as you can see we are "VISUAL" learner ahahaha

As you can see, the two dogs are drawn by two different people, ones i mean ahhh.....let say slightly better...ahahahha

Ahha these were the photos of me with R and P, not mentioning any names for now, i will end this post with another funny video, coz i am a funny guy, enjoy! XD 

If you find that offensive, i apologise.

Good luck to pysche people!
Liang XD

Sung ha Jung again..

Well after i posted that one song i decided i should show u him playing another song when he was younger >< well here it is ~~ enjoy

Rylynn - Andy Mckee

All credit goes to Sung ha Jung

Andy xD

Today's a New Day

The times you were sad
The times you were mad
The times you were condemned
The times you were damned

Those times of sadness were all in the past
So why, those feeling, do make them last?

Tomorrow is upon us, a new day to start
Its time to go down life's path in a new kart
So leave those feeling back in the past
For today's a new day so make it last

Andy xD

ps. i decided to go away from depressing poems and try to write a optimistic one ><


Before i start writing, i would like to say the guitar player on andy's blog was AMAZING!!!! I LOVE HIS SKILLS, but may not be obssessed as andy is. Also, i would like to ackonwledge the fact that today is teachers day and would also like to say Happy Teacher's day!.

Anyway, miracles..... ahhh, you know what is a miracle? do you know? Well, in my opinion, there is not a proper real definition for everybody, it means something different to everybody. For example, a nerd may say "omg, what a miracle! i studied for 24 hours straight!" whereas, a extreme game addictor may something like "omg, what a miracle! i studied for 20 minutes straught without even looking at my game!". Its all about you.

Sometimes, i am not sure if you do, but i just sit there waiting for a miracle to happen, i stare into the mind of nothingness, waiting, waiting for a miracle appear, waiting for an angel to come down and do my world lit for me, waiting for someone to do my physics hw for me..... however, all of these sessions end with nothing, no one there to help me, but i got used to it. And these sessions are not really happening any more which is good. However, the thought still sits in my mind, well, it was  until recently i came across a really inspiring quote in the movie "Bruce Almighty". OK, dont laugh! i am sorry, i just love movies... Anyway the quote was along the lines of
"you want to see a miracle son, BE THE MIRACLE!"
I am not sure about you guys, but i find that quote extremely inspiring, instead of w8ing and w8ing for a miracle, just be the miracle youself and do whatever is in front of you, or try your best. If you cant do whatever you can do and you tried your best (including asking for help), well that's not your problem is it?

Anyways, Bruce almighty is a good movie, i do recommend you to watch it and its really funny, heres the trailer:
Its a really good movie, but i dont like the trailer coz i think it reveals too much. Sorry for the bad quality by the way, i think you can find a better one on youtube.

Best Wishes,

Another break from poetry

So i have been kind of obsessed with this person's guitar skills  >< this person is called Sung Ha Jung and is a professional acoustic finger-style guitarist and what is better is that he is only 15 years old this year~~!! SHOCKING RIGHT?  well i have put one of my fav vids of him playing the guitar.

River Flows in Your - Yiruma
all credits go to sung ha jung

So yea?? what do you guys think?? i think that he is an amazing musician with splendid talent ><

Anyway apart from that i just want to say HAPPY TEACHERS DAY~~ to all those teachers out there ^^ hope you had a good day today. And thank you for all those who support me and liangs blog >< your the best xD

anyway i might post with another poem later... but this is it for now :D
Andy xD

Thursday 27 October 2011

as an IB student

Hey guys,

Sorry for not blogging yesterday, i had to help a really close friend of mine in maths (he/she has a maths test today).

Anyways, i have anticipated in 20 days OMG START PANICKING!!!!! but srsly its still another 3 weeks. On the other hand ,I am really worried for pyschy people who has their test next tuesday. For those who do not do IB, we are doing an anticipated subject meaning instead of testing us at the end of year 12. we are getting tested this year and it counts towards 7 points out of the total 45 points possible. again, i would like to say GOOD LUCK TO PYSCH PEOPLE!

Ever since i started IB, a lot of jks about IB appeared, the reason why we laugh is its so true! So without further ado, i will give u some from For those who do IB, you have most likely heard these, For those who do not, you many go WTF!, but afterall it is still quite halarious imo as an IB student.

All time favourite of mine:
teacher to students: now write your name on this notecard.

Student 1: OK
Student 2: This is easy!

IB Teacher to IB students: now write your name on this notecard

IB Student 1: how big?
IB Student 2: which corner?
IB Student 3: cursive or print?
IB Student 4: do we need to put our whole middle name or just our middle initial?
IB Student 5: What if we don't have a middle name?
IB Student 6: Is pencil okay?
IB Student 7: Do you want it on the side with lines or the blank side?

and we are wondering why IB is so hard

That quote is so true, it happens so much in IB and thats why we find it halarious. However, for non-ib readers, i do not mean to discourage you from doing it.......hopefully....

Heres some other quotes:
atricia: Do you think they'll have alcohol at the IB Christmas Party?
Genie: ...IB kids drinking? Can you imagine us drunk? We would be like... "HAHA YOUR FACE IS A PARABOLA."
You know you're in IB when you procrastinate by doing "less important" homework.

Coordinator: Hey Guys! There's a Blood Donation session tomorrow, I hope you can make it!
Student: Do we get CAS hours??

When an IB Coordinator says "Jump!" an IB freshmen asks "How high?"

Two years later the IB Coordinator says "Jump!" and the IB Junior asks "Where's the nearest cliff?"
Anyway, i am sorry for Non-IB students if you did not find that funny. So i will end my post with something funny for all people XD
I assume you have all seen Harry Potter... if you havnt....well....what can i say.....i am sorry

Best Wishes,

Dedicated to Sharleen Smith as her Birthday Present

Your radiant smile, that shines for a mile
Your beautiful face, that's full of grace
Your melodic voice, that makes me rejoice
Your glistening eyes, thats free from lies
Your perfect just the way you are

The way you sing
The way you say hi
The sadness in your eyes when you say good bye
Your perfect just the way you are

So please my dear friend, never change who you are
As you are perfect just the way you are

Andy xD

Someone i miss.....

I remember those days you used to smile
That smile that I can see for miles
I remember those days you used to hug me
That hug that warms every part of me
I remember those days you would call my name
And how I would turn to where that sound came

Now you have moved to somewhere far away
I will remember you as my personal sunray
That ray that lights up my very own sky
The sky that belongs to a very lonely guy
With this poem I say this to you
How very much I miss you

 Andy xD

Dedicated to Vincent Lin

He's smart and nice with plenty of skill
He goes for the dunk like a prey goes for the kill
He goes to QA the smart nerdy school
That shows you that he is no fool
I've known him since primary school
So all I can say is Vincent is cool xP


Wednesday 26 October 2011

A break from poety

Well so Liang my co-blogger has been nagging me about how my poems are too sadistic and that as a fellow blog reader he find it annoying... so instead of posting a poem today, i will just post about my life. Oh, btw i am running out of ideas on topic to write poems on... if you can think of one my fellow readers please feel free to leave a comment in the cbox. Anyway so lyk we all know that life can be a bitch.... but life in itself can be very a way. Have you ever thought what it would feel like to not be alive? Sounds weird right? But if you were not born, you wouldn't have the feeling of love, loneliness, jealousy, warmth etc. Can you imagine being conscious yet unconscious? Being alive yet dead? Confusing right?? Well i dunno..... i cun seem to imagine it but i have spent countless hours thinking of it.....

As a biology student at school, i know that humans are born when a males sperm fertilises a females egg... but is that all there is to it?? I mean apart from love, there has to be something that allows for a life to be created. Isn't it weird? How is it that a sperm can fertilize an egg? If so.. how did adam and eve come into existence. Now don't feel offended. I am an aethiest so yea, it is perfectly fine to believe that it is god who gave us the abilities to reproduce... i guess.... Anyway so back on topic. There are soooo many things in life that we take for granted. We take our lives for granted, we take the many knowledge out there for granted, we take the resources around us for granted and etc. So i just want to say, Thank you mom and dad for giving birth to me and thank you to all the other people who have made an effort in their time in order to produce what we have now and what we take for granted.

Anywayz....ima gonna go do some research on my EE


Tuesday 25 October 2011

Dedicated to those friends who have gone away

Tears roll down my face
While I stare into space
The memories of fun being with you
The memories of things we used to do

Now you have gone to a far away land
So far that I cannot apprehend
I long to see you just one more time
Even if it costs a million dimes

I want to see your beautiful face
I want to feel your soft embrace
I want to hear your melodic voice
The times where we used to rejoice

But now all I can think of is the last time we met
And the reasons I cannot forget
As tears swell up in my eyes
The sad moments of the unwanted goodbyes



For those who has not seen this video, omg you are going to love it!!!!
and for all people who can understand mando, heres a video for u guys,
Despite the bad quality, omg it is by far one of the most funniest videos i have seen (recently).

Liang XD

Monday 24 October 2011

Lost Words

Sun shines down with its bright light
Tears come rolling with no end in sight
In the sky I search for your face
On earth I stand waiting for your embrace
But no matter how long I stand and wait
I don't see you, oh darn stupid fate
Now I'm old and ready to die
I'm here to say my last goodbye

To those people who miss someone at this very instant, Close your eyes, think of that person and you might just see their face, hear their voice or even feel their touch


Sunday 23 October 2011

The day i ditched school for homework

Hey guys,

Andy has not told me not to complain in my blog about the amount of school work i have this i wont, but for those who know me, you know what i mean.

So as you guys have all probably heard the ib quote "the day i ditched school for homework". ahahha if you do the IB you would laugh so much because it is so true, and especially at QA. There are so much "assessment viruses" going on and also Incetiveral Alerstic flus, in short, IA flu's. Dont bother searching up the words incetriveral and alterstic, because i made those words up. 

So today, we had our english due, so yesterday nite u see all thsee people on msn, and you ask them hey hows english going, and there most likely response is "oh, yea its going well, i got 200 words"..... ahahah!!!! some have not even started.
(I am not saying this is at all a bad thing, coz its not, since most of the people i have asked are pyschy people who have there exam on next tuesday. sidenote-GOOD LUCK TO PYSCH PEOPLE! )
Anyway, so half the people at qa(i am exaggerating a bit) got the assessment virus, half of those people magically became well and came to school at 3 to hand in their english coz they felt like it. hahah, i love how qa works......

Liang XD

Saturday 22 October 2011


Looking into the distance, i can see your face
When i am lonely, i can hear your voice
I reach out my hand in search of yours
Your perfect without a single flaw

But that was all years in the past
Even though i thought forever it would last

No mater where i look, i cannot see your face
No matter how lonely, i cannot hear your voice
When i reach out my hand, all i touch is air
This feeling of emptiness i really cannot bare

Oh how i miss those days when we were together
Oh how i miss your very presence


"OH HELL NO!!!!!!!!" quote from rush hour

hey guys,

yes yes i am addicted to rush hour as most of you guys know, if you havnt seen the film series, i strongly recommend you guys to watch it, its so funny and plotline is epic! btw its by Jackie Chan

Anyways, in terms of why i said this(title of blog), well as you know i am sick. So i wake up this morning, feeling much better, I start walking in my garden, smelling the fresh air and nature, and then i went home and went up to my computer and on my todolist says english and chem due tomz! FML!!!!

So rite now, i am like to chem GTFO, and full on concentrate on english.. which is not working, since i keep on thinking of chem..FML!

So i think i am getting more sick now, coz of this bullshit i have to bullshit about.

I really think IB should pay for my medicine if i take any!

Also good luck to all pyschy people u guys have like a little bit more than a week till ur tests! Good Luck!!!

I shall end this long and boring post with something funny i came acroos a couple of weeks ago:

If you guys dont know omegle, its a place where you talk to strangers. The link is, usually the first thing you say is hey, asl. Meaning hey, age,sex,location please. So the person decides whether to talk to you. So i went to this stranger and said:

Me: hey, asl?
Stranger: 17, f uk, you?

ahahah so funny!!!! well at least i found it quite funny! ahha

bye guys need to work on english TT
Liang XD

I got a feeling

The feeling of wind in my hair
The feeling of sun on my skin
The feeling of warmth from my bed
The feeling of friends by sour side

What is this feeling you ask?
Well, my friend, this is the feeling of life~~

hey reader~~ don't mind me >< ima jus gonna post a few self composed poems on this site xP

Poetry of Life in reality

the tear soaked cheeks,
the long lost cries,
the unforgettable past,
the unrecoverable lies.

We all have those times in which we have told a lie,
We have those times where we don't want to say goodbye,
But life is life as painstaking it can be
but let it all go just like me.

For all those people who read my blog, i bet your wondering what the hell is this right?? Well....i guess you can say that i am just having those time of days where u just stare off into space and think of all the possibilities that could of happened if you did not do that or if you had done that or if you treated that person better etc. Life is harsh and that is the truth. There is nothing we can do but accept what it has in store for us and try our best to mold it into what we wish it to be. There are times where we would think "I can't do this anymore" or have the thoughts of wanting to lay down to sleep and never wake up (okay this is a bit extreme but sometimes when things get dire i do think of this). But what can you do about it? You go to sleep and the next thing you know it you wake up with the sun streaming into your room or to the sound of a shout from your parents or even from an alarm you have set. You lay on bed for a bit longer thinking why do i even exist in this world but you know what?? There are things that are worth your existence. Those things are friends, family and your loved one~~ So if you, like me, start having the same thoughts, just remember those things and let the feelings of happiness wash over you. And like stains, those feelings of sorrow will wash away.

Anyway that's it for now~~ Post again later ^^


Joy for the weekend

Yo sup guy~~

Anyway... so i went to tutorials today and like we just finished doing a mock exam for HL Mathematics Paper 2. All i have to say is HOLY CRAP~~ out of a total 144 marks that i could obtain i only managed to achieve 83 T.T
 goes to say i have a lot more work to do ><

Anyway away from that depressing topic.... IT'S THE WEEKEND~~ today is saturday and sunday comes afterwards~~ JKS!! So you would think that the weekend is for partying and fun right?? Well your wrong. My weekend is full of work that i need to do T.T Like what Liang has said i got similar stuff as well.

1. English Commentary due Monday
2. Maths HW due Monday
3. Chemistry booklet completions
but i also got
4. EE research and experimental planning

Fun right?? Just looking at that you know it's going to be a epic and full of fun xD
Anyways i need to go back to working now.


Friday 21 October 2011

sick again.....

Hey guys,

I am sick again.....TT, srsly worst time to be sick, when i have the following hw's:

1. need to complete the whole chem workbook by monday
2. whole english commentary due on monday
3.i have maths and physics which i am strongly recommended by teachers to do and they might even check
4. i HAD 2 mando exams on monday, but thank god the TOK teacher come, so i missed out on an mando lesson, meaning i have the exams on friday
5. i have a business exam in about 25 days and i have done like minimal revision


oh well.. i guess i really need to get bak to some work.....

Liang XD


hey guys~~
so this is my post since opening this blog ... WOOT~~ since ima all new to the process and everything so yea... this blog probably would not be as good as u would like it to be.. but hope you can support us ^^
anyways i will try and keep periodic updates of my boring IB life... if i can ><


ahhh...a post

hey guys,

This is my new combined blog with Andy, i mainly wanted him to blog but then hes like nooooooooooo, so i was forced to do with him...ahh....sigh.....

so yea, welcome to my boring life.....but sometimes may be also filled with interesting and fun stuff.. ah the furture is so unexpecting......

i am gonna start my blog off short for now, may add intersting stuff XD

Liang XD