Saturday 22 October 2011

"OH HELL NO!!!!!!!!" quote from rush hour

hey guys,

yes yes i am addicted to rush hour as most of you guys know, if you havnt seen the film series, i strongly recommend you guys to watch it, its so funny and plotline is epic! btw its by Jackie Chan

Anyways, in terms of why i said this(title of blog), well as you know i am sick. So i wake up this morning, feeling much better, I start walking in my garden, smelling the fresh air and nature, and then i went home and went up to my computer and on my todolist says english and chem due tomz! FML!!!!

So rite now, i am like to chem GTFO, and full on concentrate on english.. which is not working, since i keep on thinking of chem..FML!

So i think i am getting more sick now, coz of this bullshit i have to bullshit about.

I really think IB should pay for my medicine if i take any!

Also good luck to all pyschy people u guys have like a little bit more than a week till ur tests! Good Luck!!!

I shall end this long and boring post with something funny i came acroos a couple of weeks ago:

If you guys dont know omegle, its a place where you talk to strangers. The link is, usually the first thing you say is hey, asl. Meaning hey, age,sex,location please. So the person decides whether to talk to you. So i went to this stranger and said:

Me: hey, asl?
Stranger: 17, f uk, you?

ahahah so funny!!!! well at least i found it quite funny! ahha

bye guys need to work on english TT
Liang XD

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