Sunday 29 January 2012


Anyway I AM SOOO SORRY FOR NOT BLOGGING THESE DAY!! as you may know (or may not) i am in my final year of skewl and as it is my final year, everything is crashing down, the heaven's, the sky, everything!! So lyk i have been doing homework or studying or making notes or rushing last minute reports and hence i have not had time to make up poems nor blog about anything!! Not only this.... but i am still stuck on a topic for a poem = = Anyway... The purpose of this blog is that my friend Angie Wong is selling her IB books to those who need it. (of course you can only buy if you look in brisbane as she cannot ship the books to anywhere overseas). This is the link of the books she is selling:
So far out of the 8 books that are up 4 have already been sold ^^ so get in quick if you want them since this is based on a first in first serve system ^^ if somone gets in before you (be it 1 day or 1 second) i am afraid that you will not be able to get it... so heed my words GET IN QUICK!! don't say i didn't warn you if you have one of the books you wanted taken before you!!! 

Anyway i will try to make another post sometime soon.... but looking at my schedule it may be a stretch... We'll see. But for now TTYL~~~

Andy xD

Monday 23 January 2012

Yoon Mi Rae

Well first of all, sorry blog readers for not keeping my promise and uploading a poem by yesterday TT~TT i rly did not hav an idea on what poem to write. So i am making it up by posting today altho i do not have a poem this time .....

Secondly, i was watching Immortal Song 2 (a korean variety show) and i came across a song that i actually did not noe of but have now come to like it >< it is called Memories and is sung and rapped by yoon mi rae~~~ have a look at it

so did you like it??? i did >< btw the idol singer who sang this song in immortal song 2 is Hyorin from Sistar ^^ if you havn't heard her voice before you shoudl cuz i mean the girl has a really powerful voice ><  Have a listen to one of her songs that she remade in Immortal song 2

so how was it >< ?? oooh and this song is called the man from back then and was originally sung by sim soo bong. Well this is it for now~~ i promise to blog with a poem soon but atm i gotta go to some hw since skewl started TT~TT

well cyaz later

Andy xD

Friday 20 January 2012

Ice Skating

So here is the promised once every two day poem post ^^ This one is dedicated to my friend Samuel tsai since he gave me the topic of todays ice skating outing for this poem ><. It not rly written well... but enjoy ^^

The time has come to show our fail skills
In a place that gives you the chills
To acacia ridge we go
A place that is 0 degrees or below

With skates that hurt our feet  to the brink
We take off into the ice rink
We try to skate but sadly fail
Even though we were holding onto the rail

Once we thought we were ready to let go
To be able to skate, to go with the flow
But as soon as we do we fall to the ground
We fall to floor with a big as pound

With our butts hurting and pants all wet
We get off the ground feeling upset
But we didn't give up, we kept on going
Swearing as much as the wind was blowing

Just when we got the hang of it
It was time to go, it was time to quit
So we went off and stood their waiting
Cuz for CAS we are claiming ice Skating 

Andy xD

p.s. the last two line you wun get unless you do the IB or know someone who does the IB.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Look Towards The Future

No matter how dark the past has been
No matter what grotesque things you've seen
Do not let them hold you back
Do not let your life turn black

Leave those filthy things behind
And go towards the undefined
Towards the future where everything is bright
Where everywhere god shine's his light

Shed some tears if you must
If  you think it'll help you adjust
Tears of joy and tears of pain
Let it come out, do not refrain

Once it's out and your nice and fresh
Start life again, Begin afresh
Forget the past and all it's pain
Look towards the future, look towards your domain

Andy xD

p.s. Sorry readers for not blogging alot.... i've been kinda absorbed in my holidays so much that i kinda didn't feel lyk creating poems.. But from now on i shall write on at least every 2 days if i can >< please subscribe to our blog if you think that it is an okay blog and remember to check back now and then to see my new poems ^^ (if you like them that is). OOH and i'm kinda running out of ideas to write poems on so.. feel free to give me a topic as a comment on this post or in the cbox and i will dedicate that poem to you ^^ well for now cyaz and i hope i will have another poem to post done in the nxt two days or so ^^

Tuesday 17 January 2012


hey guys,

sorry for not blogging for a lonnnnng time..... its mianly coz there isnt really anything interesting to talk about. life is normal as usual....
skool is about to start in 6 days.I am happy XDand annoyed at the same time. I am happy coz although IB sucks, there is still a thing called friends, and it is them that give you encouragement, confidence and happiness. But i am sad because, now that realising skool is so near, i realise that i dont have a lot of time left to revise and study with no stress and perfect environment. As soon as skool starts, everything is gonna be so hectic, and stress. For those who dont go to qa, we have a 2000 word draft ee due in week 2.... if that helps with the enthusiasm to go to the skool.

Liang XD