Tuesday 17 January 2012


hey guys,

sorry for not blogging for a lonnnnng time..... its mianly coz there isnt really anything interesting to talk about. life is normal as usual....
skool is about to start in 6 days.I am happy XDand annoyed at the same time. I am happy coz although IB sucks, there is still a thing called friends, and it is them that give you encouragement, confidence and happiness. But i am sad because, now that realising skool is so near, i realise that i dont have a lot of time left to revise and study with no stress and perfect environment. As soon as skool starts, everything is gonna be so hectic, and stress. For those who dont go to qa, we have a 2000 word draft ee due in week 2.... if that helps with the enthusiasm to go to the skool.

Liang XD

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