Saturday 19 May 2012


Hey blog readers~~ Well today is my friend Sam's Bdaii and in dedication to him i have written this poem >< i am posting it on here as i think somethings i say in there are relevant to others as well so yea ^^ have fun reading xP

I've known you for four and a half short years
But we've been through everything, even Shakespeare
You're fun, nice, caring and sometimes lame too
But you’re a friend to whom I wish I'll never say adieu

You say your dumb and I'm smarter than you
But the truth is that you are very smart too
Each person is smart but sometimes its sealed
Waiting for them to open it, for it to be revealed

I'm sure you have potential hidden inside
So keep your head up and strut with pride
I'm sure u will get what you hope achieve
As long as you are willing to believe

So just believe in yourself and it'll come to you
But before that, Happy birthday to you

Andy xD

Thursday 10 May 2012

Nostalgia ~~

Hey guys~~~ Well.... i have been lazy for the past few days since my IOC had finished and so i didn't update the blog in a while... for that i am very sorry ><. To make it up, i have written a poem that i think (emphasis on the i think) many of you can connect to (by many i mean those who have been in relationships or have crushes).
Anyways~ ENJOY~~

Rain falling from the skies
Tears streaming undisguised
Feeling of sadness grows and swells
While upon the past I sit and dwell

Looking up towards the sky
Vision blurs as I  cry
The stars sparkle like your eyes
With seductiveness I cannot deny

The moon shines with mysterious grace
Its silver light transgressing space
Upon me the silver light doth shine
The feeling, with words I cannot define

Along with warmth it brings back memories
Recounting them like countless diaries
Back into the past I am thrown once more
To find what went wrong, to go and explore

I long to look upon you once more
And allow your radiance warm me to the core
So to my side, please come back
And relieve me from this world of black

Andy xD

p.s. thanks to Julie Truong, Anita Lim and Celine Lee for giving me feedback and correcting parts that did not make sense >< LOVE YOU ALL ^^

Friday 4 May 2012

hahahaha short update of life :P

Hey guys,
So rescently i have been addicted to this mando song:
Its like SOOOOOOOOOO good. However, half my friends like it, half my friends dont ...... which is kinda lolz. but i LOVE it and will remain doing so till sometime XD

oh on the another note: IOC! I HAVE FINALLY COMPLETED IOC! no more MACBETH in my life foreverrrr, feels soo good.  However the results of doing IOC:

Thanks Maggie for linking me that! sooo true although exaggerated.

Liang XD