Thursday 17 November 2011


So i had paper 2 today for my business and management exam... and one word.. HORRIBLE~~. i think i did sooo bad in it that it not funny TT~TT But oh well.... mayb i did better than i thought? or so i hope... anyway so after i opened my test paper i was all lyk WTF?? I DUN GET ANY OF THIS~~ and totally had a freak out...... but at least i was able to answer all the questions but ~ssiigh~ i still think i did pretty bad on it....

Anyway.. after business me Sharleen, Nick, Kate and Jenny went to the city. We had lunch first  before we went to karaoke. Me and Sharleen had katsudon, Kate and Jenny had curry and Nick had terryaki. We ate then walked our way to karaoke. We payed for 1 hr of karaoke-ing but the length of us singing kinda summed up to around 2hrs... weird... anyway so we were like singing like hell and by the end all our voices were kind of hoarse. We were about to leave when we saw lily, cindy and sarah outside. Kate and Jenny went off while Nick, Sharleen and I went and found Grace and her group singing Karaoke as well.

After they finished we left and went back into the city. Me and Sharleen sort of just walked around before deciding to go home. So yea~~ my day in a few paragraphs ^^ But i still think i did bad in Business TT~TT

Andy xD

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