Saturday 19 November 2011

WL, wat does that stand for?

WL,  wat does that stand for?
no really, wat does it stand for?

i am jking!

Anyway if there is 2 letters i hate the most, it would be W and L for now. Mmm i wonder why... for non-qa students, WL stands for World Lit yea...... its lets say (blog adress)

anyway rescently i was talking to my friend and it was like this
me: omg TT
freind: TT
friend: LOL ???

hahaha i fail!!!! but yea it was pretty funny, well at least my friend and I found it funny XD

Talking of which, i am so depressed.... about how SO MANY PEOPLE are going to leave me......esp. those who did not TELL ME (rage moment) eg Mark and Harry, but now even Angie is leaving QA..... WAT IS THIS!!!! But to all those people, and to Angie especially, i wish you the best in the future! and if you forget to keep in touch with me, i mite will start stalking you...jksjks

ah far out the scars that IB gives to you has already taken in effect, for example, i was reading this webpage and then i wasnt really concentrating i wasnt even reading it and then i saw the word "e-commerce" and immediately all my attention is grabbed towards it, idk how to describe it, it just STOOD IN FRONT OF ME... FAR OUT! ah sigh......

but on a happier note, BUSINESS IS OVER!

Anyway i am blog about more interesting stuff later on, sorry for the rather boring post...

Also, Congratulations Grade 12!!! i wish you the best in ur future!!!!

Liang XD

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