Tuesday 15 November 2011

SWOT VAC day~~

So today is SWOT VAC day for me.... for those who do not know what it is, it is a day where we get to stay at home and study.. equivalent to study leave i guess. So i am sitting at home doing nothing basically although i should be studying for business. Since i was doing nothing and was feeling bored i decided to post a blog since it has been ages since i last posted. So yea... GUESS WHAT? I FINISHED BOTH MY CHEMISTRY AND MY BIOLOGY BOOKLET ~dance of victory~!! now all that is left is business exam and world lit assignment and i am done ^^ well anyway. To all those business people good luck and best wishes and here i present a poem to wish you all luck

The exam is in just one more day
The one that decides our future pay
Everyone is hardcore studying now
To that commitment I bend and bow
But know this all you business people
You are all geniuses with no equal
So get in there and do your best
For you all are ready and blessed 


Andy xD

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