Saturday 24 December 2011



JINGLE BELLS (sorry to make u listen to it again ^__^)
(lyrics XD)

Liang XD

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Feelings of Utter Despair

Sitting in the room alone
Listening to the witches moan
Thoughts and feelings flow in and out
Listening to your parents shout

All of a sudden with no need to prepare
You fall into a zone of utter despair

Your eye race round, dashing left and right
Looking for a sign, a symbol of light
The light that will guide you out of despair
The light that would look after you and care

But all you can see is a sea of darkness
Top full with feelings of heartlessness

You plead in your mind to the one you call god
To help you with his angel squad
But no matter how much you plead and glare
Your stuck in the feelings of utter despair


Saturday 17 December 2011

i am a year older XDD

Hi guys,

I am officially a year older XDD. So how would u spend ur birthday? I wanted to have a party, but then most of my friends are overseas TT and also has some arrangement today... oh wells... so instead i went to sizzler :P

Liang XD

Monday 12 December 2011


Fate, made me meet you
Feelings, made me like you
Time, made me fall for you
Missing, made me remember you
Heartache, made me think of you
In my heart there will always be you
only i wish that you can be by my side

Andy xD

Wednesday 7 December 2011

funny pictures

these are some pretty funny pics, soz if i already showed it to you...

lol, well they are not that funny, i am running out of ideas to blog about TT

feel free to give me anyXD 
sorry about not blogging
really cant think of anything to blog about, lifes still normal.....

Liang XD

Tuesday 6 December 2011


如果 : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
分別等於百分之 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Hard work (努力工作) H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K= 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
Knowledge(知識) K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E=11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ Love(愛情) L+O+V+E=12+15+22+5 = 54%
Luck(好運) L+U+C+K=12+21+3+11 = 47%
什麼能使得生活變得圓滿? 是Money(金錢)嗎? ... 不!
M+O+N+E+Y = 13+15+14+5+25 = 72%
是Leadership(領導能力)嗎? 不!
L+E+A+D+E+R+S+H+I+P = 12+5+1+4+5+18+19+9+16 = 89%
ATTITUDE(心態) A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

In English it is

If : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Is changed into a number out of a hundred (respective to number in the alphabet): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Hard work (努力工作) H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K= 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
Knowledge(知識) K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E=11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ Love(愛情) L+O+V+E=12+15+22+5 = 54%
Luck(好運) L+U+C+K=12+21+3+11 = 47%
So what can make life successful and full? Is it Money?....NO!
M+O+N+E+Y = 13+15+14+5+25 = 72%
Is it Leadership (leadership abilities)?  NO!
L+E+A+D+E+R+S+H+I+P = 12+5+1+4+5+18+19+9+16 = 89%
Then, what is it that makes life successful and full?
Each question has it's own solution, you only need to look further~
ATTITUDE(心態) A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

Sunday 4 December 2011

Wings of Hopes and Dreams

Sorry about that last post.... i wrote it well... lets just say when i was down.... So to make up, i have composed this poem >< i hope you like it ^^

Every person has their own wings
Each with its own melody it sings
Wings of hopes and wings of dreams
Wings that shine with a powerful beam

Hopes of the future, hopes of the past
Dreams of how you have surpassed
With those wings you can fly up high
Into the sky if you wish to try

Each person is unique in their very own way
So do not change it just let it stay
For it is that uniqueness that determines one's worth
 It is what was given to you since your birth

Guided by your uniqueness, your  hopes, your schemes
Take flight with your wings of hopes and dreams

Andy xD

Saturday 3 December 2011


No words can explain my feelings
No words can hold deeper meanings
What I am feeling I cannot describe
To cure this feeling no medicine can be prescribed

This is not the feeling of love
Nor is it a pain made by my beloved
This is the feeling of depression
The feeling of its progression

Parents fighting in the background
Me alone in the playground
The feeling of hurt when parents fight for you
But get beaten down no matter what they do

You love them both but one much more
The other one you used to adore
But years have passed and things have changed
Your life has now been rearranged

Why is it that I feel this pain?
Why is it I feel disdain?
I am powerless I do admit
You can kill me as you seem fit

Watch me as I fall and die
Even my tears have run dry


Thursday 1 December 2011

Dedicated to Luther ~~

Okay well it is Luther's Birthday today so yea~~ i have written this poem for him... i hope you like it ><

He is one of my closet friends
A friend that never pretend
We share our secrets with each other
Someone who is like my blood brother

We met in the year 2010
In our little 10F den
We became friends not long after
And soon we were engrossed in laughter

Although one year  is all we have
I know that you’re my other halve
Which ever path you choose to go
Good luck on you I do bestow

Today is you day so be I will say
I wish you a happy birthday

(btw when i sed your my other halve i meant as my brother ><)

Andy xD


hey its the holidaysss!!!!
and who would of thought how bored you would get.......
omg.... ib scars, now i find so much guilt for not doing work, and even worse, cannot even entertain myself with other stuff as well as before! i am planning on regetting fb, but i have being advised not to... it is such a procastinator which i 100% agree on. but all in all, still need some entertainment... so far everybody seems to be watching drama, i am thinking about doing that myself, yet i cannot find a good one, anybody feel free to recommend me one!

now, the =.= sign. I have seen that sign from 0 use to up to 1 million uses by now, its just becoming so damn popular, even in movies!!! THE NEW DISNEY MOVIES EVEN PUT THAT FACE IN WTH!!! (eg tangled) that face is now so popular that even when i was talking to my friend casually about something, she went -,-, and i was like hey why that face?, she says oh sorry, just got to used to typing it....=.= (SEE I JUST DID IT AGAIN) OMG ITS SO ADDICTING! however i am trying my best to stop using it, and replace it with nothing or even a simile face or XD. You see, been happy is the best thing that can happen in the world. Happiness isnt going to come to you and say "hey i am here for 5 hours", to be happy u urself needs to be. If you chose not to be, you can never be happy (that includes even if you just realised you got ib 45), if u chose not to be happy, nothing can stop you. (however i do doubt the sanity of those who are not happy of acheiving of an ib 45...) but anyways, from now on, i am going to try my best to be happy, from experience, the best way to do that is to make others happy... but i will try a range of ways. I have done this before, probably less succesffuly than the attempt i am going to make now, but i will see XD
 for those who waants to be happpy but dont know how to start, well my advise is just start with adding an XD to every conversation you have whether physically or cyberly(dont know if thats a word) good luck!

Liang XD


Well this is the promised poem for today >< hope you enjoy~~

The time was short but full of fun
But  now its time for you to run
Goodbye to you, good bye to me
Goodbye to people I'll no longer see

It seems as only yesterday
That  you were here to come and stay
 But duties call for you to go
So now this is our last hello

Every start must have an end
Everything must follow that trend
For us the time has come to say
To say goodbye and go our ways

I promise I will remember you
But will you remember me too?
That is all I ask of thee
To always remember me

Andy xD

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Nicole's Bdaii/ Late Halloween Party

Hey~~ as promised this is the second blog depicting the second outing i have gone to so far in the holidays ^^ although...... it not rly an outing but more of a party xP. Anyway so this part is a costume party so everyone had to come in a costume... mayb it was this that scared people away cuz there was onli 9 people present. They were Jacqueline, Shruti, Jade, Angel, Andjela, Roman, Shruti, Nicole and Me~~ So okay, both shruti and jade came as hippies, Jacqueline came as this mexican guy with a fake moustache (omfg how she moves it around and everything is soooooooooo funny), Andjela came as a sexy vampire, Roman as this zombie thing?? Angel came as nicki minaj, Nicole as the joker and i couldn't be bothered doing anything exciting so i came as L from death note LOL~~

Anyway so lyk we all arrived at nicoles house (omfg her house it huge and be-u-tiful) and for the first half of the day we played this game called 'silent hill'. There was zombies and stuff in it and whenever one popped out we would scream cuz it was unexpected (super funny). Nxt we ate lunch before watching a movie called 'insidious'. Omg~~ It was a horror movie right... so me and jacqueline (and possibly nicole too cuz she watched it before) were jus sitting there not rly that scared and then all of a sudden something happens and everyone screams. It was hilarious to see them scream esp Roman cuz he kinda does this kinda fake scream kinda think and does this head shoots forward movement >< soooo funny.

After the movie we went to play more 'silent hill' before eating dinna. For dinna we had KFC and Domino's? or was it eagle boys? or was it pizza hut?? Anyway you get the drift~~ after a while ppl started to leave until it was onli left with the ppl who wanted to have a sleepover. We kinda jus chatted and openened presents before getting ready for bed. We all went to the media room in Nicole's house and unpacked out sleeping bags but we didn't want to sleep. Since we didn't want to sleep, we ended up watching another movie (no idea what name it is) before we started playing truth or dare. Shruti was the first one to go to sleep followed by sianee and angel i think.. then after that i have no idea cuz i kinda fell aleep as well ><

Anyway, nxt morning we woke up and ate brekki. Nicole's dad left for work, her mom went to the gym leaving us by ourselves. Shruti decided to swim and so nicole, jade, shruti and angel went to swim while Jacqueline, Sianee and I was playing cards like we always do. Then ppl started to leave and yea... that was abt it~~ Below is some pictures i scabbed off ppl on fb~~ enjoy

All of us jus casually gathering in front of the stairs

Me... i look weird = =|||

hardcore gaming on nicole's arcade things

nicole and andjela

nicole looks scary right?

the joker, hippie and the sexy vampire... an excellent combo of people

Well there you have it~~ my second outing/party of the holidays >< i shall see if i can compose a poem and post tomoz ~~ if you have any ideas for topics, feel free to put them in the cbox or as a comment on this post xP

Andy xD

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Angie's farewell party

Hey blog reader~~ it andy here >< sorry for not posting in a while.... i was ..... well you know.... kinda relaxing cuz of holidays xP. Anyway i shall now post two blogs depicting two outings i went to over the past week. First outing would be Angie's farewell party.

As you all know from posts before this, my good friend Angie Wong is transferring to a different school and hence we will not be in the same school nxt year TT~TT sad right?? anyway so to send her off with as much good memories of us good friends as we could, on the last day of school we went out together. We went to the city after school to take stickies at zoom. In the start, there was a total of 11 people including Angie, Sharleen, Julie, Vincent, Penny, TIna, Rachel, Te-yuan, Liang, Maggie. And we took one round of stickies, after a while Ryan, Matthew and Wilbur came along and we took another round with them in it >< sooo much fun... but also at the same time suffocating cuz we were trying to fit everyone into the photo.
Below is a pic of one of the stickies we had,,

A photo of some of us at zoom

After stickies, Sharleen, Julie, Wilbur, Ryan and Matthew left us and so the rest of us went to angies house. We took the bus to her house. Below is a pic of us on the bus

Anyway so we got to angie's house and some of us got changed into casual clothes. While they were doing that, Vincent, Penny, Liang, Te-yuan, Amos (angie's brother) and I played a bit of basketball.

And then after everyone was finished, we all went out for dinner. It was delicious i must say ><

After tating, liang and maggie left us while the rest of us went back to angies house to watch a movie. The movie was called 'Just follow the Law' and yea... as you can guess it was all about following rules and stuff (singaporean btw and was hilarious at some parts... if u got them). Once we all finished, we went our separate ways and went back home ^^

So basically, that was all for that day .. i think >< i will post again later on a different outing I had xD. until then baiiz~~

Andy xD

Friday 25 November 2011


hi guys XD,



1. WL IS FING FINISHED (well not really, but still...)
2. I GRADUATED GRADE 11 OMGGGGG (well so did a lot of others as well lol)
3. andy stole my post about the letters w and l (=.=)

but anyway

yesterday was pretty awesome, coz we had fun with Angie on her last day and i must admit because i finally finished world lit that son of a...

We went to have lunch at somewhere and we were walking... and then we see like all these people from qa, and the like the huge asian group having lunch ahahahahahh
Unfortunately i had to leave at 7 missing out on the movie and talking (...) but still i had quite an awesome time, now in term so of pictures.... everybody took them except me coz i couldnt be bothered.... SORRY... however, angie's blog will have the latest ones. I will upload them to this blog later. Also, andy took some as well., i am not sure when or if he will update them, but u can spamm him about it......

So yesterday, i was at home sick (cough), and didnt know who transalted a dolls house... so i went around asking everybody on email and phone, but no one really answered until Tim did.=.= Now for those of you who know Tim..... yeah...

Me: do you know who translated a dolls house?
Tim: yea it was something group, my laptop died
Me: i really need to know....
Tim: hang on i will check in business
(phone call)
Tim: are u at skool?
Me: no
Tim: ok not telling u then!
(end phone call)
facial expression of Tim:XD (not sure but i think it was XD)
facial expression of me: =.=
Me: dood not cool not in the mood
Tim: i am not in the mood!
Me: dood i have a flight to catch in 3 hours  (yer rite)
Tim: its partying time!!!(business party)
Me: =.=
Tim: anyway its the something group
Tim: it is...
Tim: ...
Tim: Henrik Ibsen
Me: -,-
Tim: is...
Tim: is....
Tim: Guntenbury group
FINALLY HE TELLS ME OMG... but yea i still appreciate that he told me! i was relieved but a bit annoyed for some reason ... but still Tim, THANKU

Also, Angie u better visit QA!!!!

Liang XD

Thursday 24 November 2011

WL = World Lit = star of catastrophe

So... today is the second last day of school.... and tomorrow is the last.. obviously. You would think that by now all assignments are done right? but no~~ it not over yet~~ we just happen to have a World Lit final to hand in tomorrow. So in dedication to WL, i have written this poem. Enjoy~~

Two letters that stand for pain
Two letters that shall stain
Two letters of the alphabet
On which our lives we bet

The words that bring calamity
The words that are symbolic of monstrosity
The words that represent
What IB students all resent

But to get a good IB
You need to do it you see
So I guess I'll wish that before it's over
I can find a four leaved clover

So that basically summarises up my feelings of WL and what i am going through atm.... I guess i should get back to doing it.

Andy xD

Wednesday 23 November 2011



since it is his birthday today... i decided to write a poem on parents... well enjoy

They brought into this harsh world
With all the love they had
In their hands, you were curled
In the hands of mom and dad

Yet when we grow up into teens
We seem to hate everything they do
We hate how we are related by gene's
We hate how they interrupt what we do

Yet it was they who gave us life
When they are gone is when we become smart
As it is only then we feel the knife
Cut and travel right through our heart

p.s. i tried going for a new rhyming pattern so yea... it might not flow as well as my previous ones

Andy xD

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Angel's Kiss

The kiss that renders one godly pure
The kiss that kills all that is impure
The kiss that makes your heart flutter
And makes it melt as if it is butter

Fortune and prosperity from an angel's  kiss
That to me is just simply a bliss
But what is better, I must say
Is seeing you everyday

To me you are my angel
In every single angle
To me you are my sun
For you're the only one

Even if we were to bid farewell
We will meet again, as life foretells
For you are my angel and I want your kiss
That almighty angel's kiss

Andy xD

Monday 21 November 2011

Feelings of love....

Your sweet voice rings inside my ears
Being with you, I have no fears
You are my courage, you are my love
You, being that innocent dove

For you I shall run a thousand miles
If it that, that will make you smile
For you I shall cry a thousand tears
If that will make you understand, my dear

Even if now we are not together
I shall remember you forever
Every moment that we have spent
Even the times we were in lament

So remember this if not anything else
I shall never forget you, even if my heart were to melt

Andy xD

Saturday 19 November 2011

WL, wat does that stand for?

WL,  wat does that stand for?
no really, wat does it stand for?

i am jking!

Anyway if there is 2 letters i hate the most, it would be W and L for now. Mmm i wonder why... for non-qa students, WL stands for World Lit yea...... its lets say (blog adress)

anyway rescently i was talking to my friend and it was like this
me: omg TT
freind: TT
friend: LOL ???

hahaha i fail!!!! but yea it was pretty funny, well at least my friend and I found it funny XD

Talking of which, i am so depressed.... about how SO MANY PEOPLE are going to leave me......esp. those who did not TELL ME (rage moment) eg Mark and Harry, but now even Angie is leaving QA..... WAT IS THIS!!!! But to all those people, and to Angie especially, i wish you the best in the future! and if you forget to keep in touch with me, i mite will start stalking you...jksjks

ah far out the scars that IB gives to you has already taken in effect, for example, i was reading this webpage and then i wasnt really concentrating i wasnt even reading it and then i saw the word "e-commerce" and immediately all my attention is grabbed towards it, idk how to describe it, it just STOOD IN FRONT OF ME... FAR OUT! ah sigh......

but on a happier note, BUSINESS IS OVER!

Anyway i am blog about more interesting stuff later on, sorry for the rather boring post...

Also, Congratulations Grade 12!!! i wish you the best in ur future!!!!

Liang XD


Life can be a bitch
The doings of a witch
It gives and it takes
But never by mistake

It made me meet you
But made you adieu
It gave me these feelings
But left me with healings

Life gave me many  things
The Melody of life it sings
But life also takes away
Things that you want to stay

Andy xD

p.s. sorry if it doesn't make sense......

Friday 18 November 2011

Plz help with a favour

Hey blogg readers~~
ummm sorry for this but my friend Angie (the one leaving) entered this competition on facebook and i would wish for you to help her win it.

all you have to do is go to
Click see more and find the comment made by "Angie Wong Ang Chi" then like it. PLEASE HELP~~ she just needs another 15 is more ppl and she should be able to win ><

so please help~~

Andy xD



Dedicated to Angie

Short but cute, a friend to all
A bundle of fun that does not squall
Its sad that you must leave QA
But I promise I will miss you every day

I hope that you leave with fun memories
Memories of time with your QA buddies
Even if you have gone your own way
To meet again in life I pray

So now I shall finish with this one last line
I wish that your light forever shall shine

Andy xD


Ok, probably go back to business now.....

anyway today i was scrunching up my scrap business notes, and it felt SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!

so i was like holding my notes and it was about
like aansoff or something
so i was like oh damn i dont know this
and then my other side of brain just wwent
guess wat! i dont give a shit! GTFO OF MY LIFE!!!!!
ahha it feels so brilliant!!!!!

p.s. i found paper 1 easier than paper 2 as well XD

Thursday 17 November 2011


So i had paper 2 today for my business and management exam... and one word.. HORRIBLE~~. i think i did sooo bad in it that it not funny TT~TT But oh well.... mayb i did better than i thought? or so i hope... anyway so after i opened my test paper i was all lyk WTF?? I DUN GET ANY OF THIS~~ and totally had a freak out...... but at least i was able to answer all the questions but ~ssiigh~ i still think i did pretty bad on it....

Anyway.. after business me Sharleen, Nick, Kate and Jenny went to the city. We had lunch first  before we went to karaoke. Me and Sharleen had katsudon, Kate and Jenny had curry and Nick had terryaki. We ate then walked our way to karaoke. We payed for 1 hr of karaoke-ing but the length of us singing kinda summed up to around 2hrs... weird... anyway so we were like singing like hell and by the end all our voices were kind of hoarse. We were about to leave when we saw lily, cindy and sarah outside. Kate and Jenny went off while Nick, Sharleen and I went and found Grace and her group singing Karaoke as well.

After they finished we left and went back into the city. Me and Sharleen sort of just walked around before deciding to go home. So yea~~ my day in a few paragraphs ^^ But i still think i did bad in Business TT~TT

Andy xD

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Business Paper 1

So today i had my paper 1 exam for Business and Management and i must say.... it was kinda easier than expected..... like there were some questions that seemed too easy to be correct... and yea..... i finished in time which is a good thing and so ima jus gonna go and get ready for my next exam ^^
tty blog reader later~~

Andy xD

Tuesday 15 November 2011

SWOT VAC day~~

So today is SWOT VAC day for me.... for those who do not know what it is, it is a day where we get to stay at home and study.. equivalent to study leave i guess. So i am sitting at home doing nothing basically although i should be studying for business. Since i was doing nothing and was feeling bored i decided to post a blog since it has been ages since i last posted. So yea... GUESS WHAT? I FINISHED BOTH MY CHEMISTRY AND MY BIOLOGY BOOKLET ~dance of victory~!! now all that is left is business exam and world lit assignment and i am done ^^ well anyway. To all those business people good luck and best wishes and here i present a poem to wish you all luck

The exam is in just one more day
The one that decides our future pay
Everyone is hardcore studying now
To that commitment I bend and bow
But know this all you business people
You are all geniuses with no equal
So get in there and do your best
For you all are ready and blessed 


Andy xD

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Angels Blessings~~

Angels in the sky
Angels on the earth
Angels pass you by
Angels on your turf

I am an angel,
A messenger of god
And for your exams
I bless you with a nod

Now go and get those sevens
I know all of you can do it
But just in case I shall sit in heaven
And observe just how you do it

Andy xD 

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Failure is but the start to success

We are all afraid of failing something or are afraid of something failing. You are, I am, We all are. That is the truth. We are afraid of failing subjects, afraid of a relationship failing, afraid of getting fired, afraid of getting into trouble and a lot more. With that said, how many of you are embarrassed of being afraid of failing? We are humans. We have emotions  and therefore it is only natural to be afraid of such things, so don't be embarrassed. I personally am one of these people. I am always afraid of failing school subjects, afraid of getting into trouble, afraid of getting scolded by parents or what's-it-ma-not's  (made up word) and afraid of losing the things dearest to me. Every day, i would be wary of everything i do, everything i say just so that i could avoid these things happening. But you know what? It is in human nature to do something wrong, and it is also in human nature to fail somethings. There is no such thing as a perfect human being (unless you are terribly in love with someone so that you cannot see anything that they do wrong). I am sure you have all heard of this, but Failure is but the start (or seed) to success. This is true in that if we do not fail, then we do not experience new things. If we do not experience new things, then we do not improve. That is the order of life i guess..... So whenever you are in the same situation that i am in (being afraid of failing many things) remember this and i am sure you will do the best that you can. 

And so I end with this quote

"The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure"

Anyway I probably should get back to business study.


Friday 4 November 2011

Business Exams

Ok the blog didnt really post up properly.....sigh..

oh wells
the main points i wanted to say was
1. i have anticapted really soon as well so mite not be blogging as well
2. i probably would be blogging more in the holidays XD

i am absoltely fascinated by this video ABSOLUTELY FASCINATED (maybe a bit biased coz i love the song)

so here is the song:
And now, here is the video:
GOD she is so talented!
i should revise business!

Liang XD

Tuesday 1 November 2011


Hey fellow reader ^^ well i am sorry but i don't think i will be blogging for a while seeming that i have an exam within 15 days now ^^ i am sorry to you guys but i still have to say it. Thankyou for supporting me and liang's blog by visiting >< i really appreciate it and i am sure liang will too ^^

Andy xD

p.s. i assure you that i will blog again once the tests are finished ^^

Monday 31 October 2011


You will never be excluded from my life
As to my world you are the spice
You add to my world your flavour, your style
And lets not forget that wonderful smile

You brighten the day for this chappy lad
No matter how bad a day I had
Thinking of you brings tear to my eyes
Especially when I think back to all those lies

Now look at what has happened to us
The lies has managed to separate us
It is time to talks things out
So please let me just work things out

Andy xD

Saturday 29 October 2011

Let me bet..... u said omg

Hey guys,

i came across a couple of pictures rescently and found them scary....

So yea first photo you see:

 Hey, she's hot rite? look at her!!!, ok let me rephrase that look at him!!!


Let me bet..... u said omg!


Thats all for now,
Liang XD


What is this feeling of wanting to be
To be surrounded by friends dear to me
That feeling you get of safety and satisfaction
That clears away all life's distractions

I remember this feeling from years ago
I used to have it wherever I go
This feeling I now hardcore search for
This feeling of which I want more

The feeling of belonging is what everyone needs
How else will their hearts cease to bleed
So once you get it, hold it close to your heart
Before it goes away on a one-way kart 

Andy xD

Friday 28 October 2011

Business Revision Group


As some of you already know, i have been holding a business revision group rescently, its been going quite well, but i think we all need more practise on actually doing the questions. But anyway, here are some photos i took of it, as you can see we are "VISUAL" learner ahahaha

As you can see, the two dogs are drawn by two different people, ones i mean ahhh.....let say slightly better...ahahahha

Ahha these were the photos of me with R and P, not mentioning any names for now, i will end this post with another funny video, coz i am a funny guy, enjoy! XD 

If you find that offensive, i apologise.

Good luck to pysche people!
Liang XD

Sung ha Jung again..

Well after i posted that one song i decided i should show u him playing another song when he was younger >< well here it is ~~ enjoy

Rylynn - Andy Mckee

All credit goes to Sung ha Jung

Andy xD

Today's a New Day

The times you were sad
The times you were mad
The times you were condemned
The times you were damned

Those times of sadness were all in the past
So why, those feeling, do make them last?

Tomorrow is upon us, a new day to start
Its time to go down life's path in a new kart
So leave those feeling back in the past
For today's a new day so make it last

Andy xD

ps. i decided to go away from depressing poems and try to write a optimistic one ><


Before i start writing, i would like to say the guitar player on andy's blog was AMAZING!!!! I LOVE HIS SKILLS, but may not be obssessed as andy is. Also, i would like to ackonwledge the fact that today is teachers day and would also like to say Happy Teacher's day!.

Anyway, miracles..... ahhh, you know what is a miracle? do you know? Well, in my opinion, there is not a proper real definition for everybody, it means something different to everybody. For example, a nerd may say "omg, what a miracle! i studied for 24 hours straight!" whereas, a extreme game addictor may something like "omg, what a miracle! i studied for 20 minutes straught without even looking at my game!". Its all about you.

Sometimes, i am not sure if you do, but i just sit there waiting for a miracle to happen, i stare into the mind of nothingness, waiting, waiting for a miracle appear, waiting for an angel to come down and do my world lit for me, waiting for someone to do my physics hw for me..... however, all of these sessions end with nothing, no one there to help me, but i got used to it. And these sessions are not really happening any more which is good. However, the thought still sits in my mind, well, it was  until recently i came across a really inspiring quote in the movie "Bruce Almighty". OK, dont laugh! i am sorry, i just love movies... Anyway the quote was along the lines of
"you want to see a miracle son, BE THE MIRACLE!"
I am not sure about you guys, but i find that quote extremely inspiring, instead of w8ing and w8ing for a miracle, just be the miracle youself and do whatever is in front of you, or try your best. If you cant do whatever you can do and you tried your best (including asking for help), well that's not your problem is it?

Anyways, Bruce almighty is a good movie, i do recommend you to watch it and its really funny, heres the trailer:
Its a really good movie, but i dont like the trailer coz i think it reveals too much. Sorry for the bad quality by the way, i think you can find a better one on youtube.

Best Wishes,

Another break from poetry

So i have been kind of obsessed with this person's guitar skills  >< this person is called Sung Ha Jung and is a professional acoustic finger-style guitarist and what is better is that he is only 15 years old this year~~!! SHOCKING RIGHT?  well i have put one of my fav vids of him playing the guitar.

River Flows in Your - Yiruma
all credits go to sung ha jung

So yea?? what do you guys think?? i think that he is an amazing musician with splendid talent ><

Anyway apart from that i just want to say HAPPY TEACHERS DAY~~ to all those teachers out there ^^ hope you had a good day today. And thank you for all those who support me and liangs blog >< your the best xD

anyway i might post with another poem later... but this is it for now :D
Andy xD

Thursday 27 October 2011

as an IB student

Hey guys,

Sorry for not blogging yesterday, i had to help a really close friend of mine in maths (he/she has a maths test today).

Anyways, i have anticipated in 20 days OMG START PANICKING!!!!! but srsly its still another 3 weeks. On the other hand ,I am really worried for pyschy people who has their test next tuesday. For those who do not do IB, we are doing an anticipated subject meaning instead of testing us at the end of year 12. we are getting tested this year and it counts towards 7 points out of the total 45 points possible. again, i would like to say GOOD LUCK TO PYSCH PEOPLE!

Ever since i started IB, a lot of jks about IB appeared, the reason why we laugh is its so true! So without further ado, i will give u some from For those who do IB, you have most likely heard these, For those who do not, you many go WTF!, but afterall it is still quite halarious imo as an IB student.

All time favourite of mine:
teacher to students: now write your name on this notecard.

Student 1: OK
Student 2: This is easy!

IB Teacher to IB students: now write your name on this notecard

IB Student 1: how big?
IB Student 2: which corner?
IB Student 3: cursive or print?
IB Student 4: do we need to put our whole middle name or just our middle initial?
IB Student 5: What if we don't have a middle name?
IB Student 6: Is pencil okay?
IB Student 7: Do you want it on the side with lines or the blank side?

and we are wondering why IB is so hard

That quote is so true, it happens so much in IB and thats why we find it halarious. However, for non-ib readers, i do not mean to discourage you from doing it.......hopefully....

Heres some other quotes:
atricia: Do you think they'll have alcohol at the IB Christmas Party?
Genie: ...IB kids drinking? Can you imagine us drunk? We would be like... "HAHA YOUR FACE IS A PARABOLA."
You know you're in IB when you procrastinate by doing "less important" homework.

Coordinator: Hey Guys! There's a Blood Donation session tomorrow, I hope you can make it!
Student: Do we get CAS hours??

When an IB Coordinator says "Jump!" an IB freshmen asks "How high?"

Two years later the IB Coordinator says "Jump!" and the IB Junior asks "Where's the nearest cliff?"
Anyway, i am sorry for Non-IB students if you did not find that funny. So i will end my post with something funny for all people XD
I assume you have all seen Harry Potter... if you havnt....well....what can i say.....i am sorry

Best Wishes,

Dedicated to Sharleen Smith as her Birthday Present

Your radiant smile, that shines for a mile
Your beautiful face, that's full of grace
Your melodic voice, that makes me rejoice
Your glistening eyes, thats free from lies
Your perfect just the way you are

The way you sing
The way you say hi
The sadness in your eyes when you say good bye
Your perfect just the way you are

So please my dear friend, never change who you are
As you are perfect just the way you are

Andy xD

Someone i miss.....

I remember those days you used to smile
That smile that I can see for miles
I remember those days you used to hug me
That hug that warms every part of me
I remember those days you would call my name
And how I would turn to where that sound came

Now you have moved to somewhere far away
I will remember you as my personal sunray
That ray that lights up my very own sky
The sky that belongs to a very lonely guy
With this poem I say this to you
How very much I miss you

 Andy xD