Monday 31 December 2012


Hey guys,
So much have happened since I last blogged…..and yea I know that was about a million years ago! GJ Andy though, my awesome co-blogger always blogging away. So much things have happened both academically and socially, but I really don’t know where to start…..

Ok well for starters up, IB is finished!!!!!!!!!!!! The amount of joy that went through my head the moment I finished my last exam was unbelievable. IB is a really challenging course and every IB student would tell you how good it feels to finish it as well as there is no way on earth they will be willing to complete it again. But one would also not believe that during the period of IB exams, what IB students are like…. My friend’s skype convo:

“Ms Teacher has forbidden us to do any more paper 1’s”
“but then if I don’t do it I’m bored….”

Note: This Convo was not exaggerated, but exactly what my two friends said, apart from the fact it was actually the teachers name.
Thinking back, I actually went through that as well and probably was in the same state as them, I cannot believe how I managed to survive.:D

2nd thing that comes into my mind….graduation
Finally graduated….3 months holiday….than UNI =D On the last week of school, everybody was practically having fun, nobody wanted to do anything. Hey, we have finished all our syllabus for every subject, give us a break. And the time at my school is really amazing, it’s a very unique and unforgettable one…. The friendship you gain at QA will be life-lasting and very strong, because you have just been through so much pain with them ahahhahaha, true story=D. Here are some graduation pics:

Hahah if you can find me, gjgj! That day was very relaxed and rewarding, once you receive your graduation certificate, for some reason, everybody seems to want to boast about it in front of your friends for a second, even though everybody got one. We all graduated XD

3rd thing that comes into mind….party at penny’s
First thing I’d like to say: THANKYOU PENNY!!!! The party was pretty awesome, had so much fun, had so much food =D. hhahaa if some of you rmbr, I was wanting to have a waterfight at the end of school, I did, but it was so much more fun this time with everybody playing, especially with a hose as well. Since I suggested the idea, yes I got completed soaked, no thanks to Anita….and like everyone LOL. However, it was so much fun….thank god I brought change. Some pics:

Yeap, getting ready…..

Coz ppl live so far away, Wilbur and I slept over at vincent’s. We ended up playing halo till like 3’o’clock before we went to sleep…. When I woke up, I realised my waterbottle… had soaked my entire laptop…including like motherboard, cpu, harddrive… mmm thank god my warranty still lasted. So then I went to school again in non-uniform for like the first time, to get my laptop fixed, my id card and ofc to see someone who just completed IB =D. And then Wilbur and I went home to catch up on some sleep….which we never did since we just decided to call each other on skype when we got home. Talking about final exam, I just found this pic I just randomly want to add in, (加油is gl which is also literally translated it as add oil)

Hhaha yes this is what my group does on skype everyday…

 Anyways, after this event, we were all thinking of organising another one before ppl go to different countries, and need to take place asap…. So I kinda made everybody go to roma park with only a day early notice…haha but it was still quite fun

And yes we played cards….how can an Asian picnic be complete without big 2 ahhahaa

Group pic =D
There are more things that happened, I will make it up in a separate post, but something that happened quite recently: My BD!Unfortunately, most of my group were in dif. Countries at the time, but I still had a mini party XD. Due to some stupid last min changes, we had more much more pizza than expected, and it was especially not helpful when we just all skulled down so much coke…. Well most of us apart from 1 person….hahaha u know who u r. 

Yes we had 5 bottles of 1.25 L, and only like 1.5 remained….. gives u an idea of how much coke we drank ahahahah. Oh and thankyou Tony for the wonderful bd present:

Yea, he didn’t mange to troll me, but it was pretty good I must admit. It did manage to troll somebody else however hahaha. And awesomely hand-drawn troll face. I would also like to thank someone for baking me the most delicious cupcakes. They were amazing…and that’s obviously because of more than one reason XD.
This has been the longest blogpost I have ever done! Thankyou to the 2 ppl who motivated me.

Liang XD
p.s. oh and enjoy the last few hrs of 2012, HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!

Thursday 22 November 2012


Hey blog reader~~

So today i had my graduation ceremony and yea.... have mixed feelings... half of me is happy that i finished school but the other is sad that i am leaving my friends behind... SO i decided to write this poem to my cohorts and everyone i met in my 17 years of existence!! ENJOY~~

Twelve years of schooling comes down to this
A night that is filled with pure, elegant bliss
Surrounded by friends you really cherish
Friends that helped to make you flourish

Tonight's the night we part on our ways
To start a new journey to better days
In the future no matter where on Earth you are
To me you will always be that shining star

I want you to know that I will be there for you
When things seem down and you feel blue
I'll always be there when you need me the most
I will always place you first and foremost

The memories we made will stay forever
The bonds we have will never sever
They will remain until my death
Until I take my final breath

So if fate allows us to meet again
I hope our friendship will remain
But for now to you I say congratulations
For tonight's the night of your graduation


P.S thanks to Anita Lim and Celine Lee for proofreading for me

Wednesday 31 October 2012

The Last Sprint Till The End

Well hello blog readers ~~ It has been a long time >< !! This time, I have posted a poem that I have written, dedicated to my peers that will be graduating from QASMT in about 3 weeks-ish. Hope you guys like it ^^

Three years we've walked the roads of hell
The days were so dark that we couldn't tell
Every few steps demons would sprout
IA's, EE and TOK they would shout

But now it is almost time for it to end
It's time to conquer the IB, our fiend
All that's left are the final exams
It's time for those last minute crams

Whenever you feel that the light is gone
And that life right now is an amazon
Remember that you still have your friends
On which you are able to depend

And when this is all finally over
Your free to go search for that four leaved clover
The clover that would lead you to your future
The clover that would start your adventure

Andy xD

p.s. Many thanks to Julie Truong for taking time out of her studying to help me proof read and edit this poem.

Friday 7 September 2012

Japanese style~~

Hey Blog Readers~~

Today i decided to write something different and no it has nothing to do with some sort of parody of Gangnam Style.... Although i hear from ppl that it was just played on the radio?? Anyway... i decided to write a poem (like i always do) but this time in japanese >< Since ima not that good that japanese, so i could onli write a really sort one of 3 lines. Enjoy below ^^

Japanese translation:


English Translation:

Dreams take flight with small wings
over earth, ocean, sky and mountains
Forever heading towards the ray of hope (or more literally the light of hope)

So what do you guys think?? Good or bad??

Andy xD

P.s thanks to Yuji Takahashi for helping me make the japanese more understandable/correct.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Friends For Life~~

Hey Blog Readers >< Sorry for the lack of posts, but lets just say yr 12 is a bit tiring.....even if all you do is procrastinate and not study...... ANYWAY so i decided to write this poem on this topic as the end of the year is nearly here and when it does, everyone in yr 12 will lead their separate ways. It's quite sad to think about it actually........ If your in yr 12 or equivalent,  i am sure you know what i mean ... So, to show my appreciation for all those whom i have met and became friends with, i have written this poem especially for you guys ^^ Hope you guys enjoy.

Silver rays stream from the sky,
From the moon way up high,
The tranquil feeling starts to swell,
As on the past I begin to dwell.

The times when we were best buddies,
The times we help each other with our studies,
The times when we just laughed and played,
These memories for eternity  will never fade.

We stood together in the good and the bad,
You're a friend of which  I am glad I had,
 Although we shall separate at the end of the year,
But I assure you this bond will last for years.

The time shall come when we will meet again,
Even then I hope our friendship will remain,
For no matter what happens I will be there for you,
I promise I will never say adieu.

Andy xD 

p.s. Thank you to Jade Kendal and Sharleen Smith for helping me edit this poem >< YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!

Friday 10 August 2012

Past, Present, Future

Okay... so i tried writing a poem to post here since it has been ages since i did anything..... but it didn't quite work out TT^TT i think my creative juices have been sucked out from studying for the IB exams and QCS  TT~TT... Anyway... this was the best i could do... Hope you like it.

Looking into the distant past
While tears start to swell up fast
The days when you used to laugh and play
The days filled with the suns warm ray

Looking at yourself in the mirror
And stand there gasping in fear
Your innocence your purity all have gone
Now only a shell with nothing to draw upon

Looking into the unforseen future
Things seem misty like a smudged up picture
You can’t help but feel no meaning in life
And so your hand reaches for the knife

But all of a sudden it returns so fast
Your memories of your distant past
You drop to the floor face drenched in tears
Crying you heart out for the past few years

p.s. Thank you to Julie Truong for proof reading and giving me her thoughts on this before i posted it up >< i really appreciate your help ^^

Monday 25 June 2012


Hey blog readers~~~ Today i have prepared a little poem that i have written on an event that many of us have been waiting for since the start of high school. You got it >< i have written a poem on Formal's since i had just had mine 4 days ago ^^ Lemme just say IT WAS AMAZING!! everyone looked amazing!! The girls looks pretty and the guys looked really handsome  xD. Anyway enjoy the poem xP

A night that we will surely remember
Like snow that falls down in December
People dancing across the floor
Dresses fluttering and many more

A night that seems so very surreal
A night that is branded with the magic seal
A night where we all come together
A night which we will remember forever

You see the ladies dresses floating across the room
Their colours, so bright that it wards off any  gloom
They light up the dark and become the stars of the night
The light that accompanies their partners, their knight

This night is one that is the beginning and the end
For life is just beginning but for high school it is the end
So the memories that are made in this one night
May it be as pleasant as the sun that shines bright

So how did u like it ?? i hope you liked it since i tried conveying the things i saw and the feelings i got from my own formal xD. Anyway since it is the holidays for me, i will try to write more poems and post it up on this blog >w< but for now thats all ^^

Andy xD

Monday 18 June 2012


Hey guys~~ Sorry for not blogging much for the past few weeks, but i have been pretty busy >< I just had my exams last weeks and am finally relaxing a bit so i decided to update the blog. I will fins time to update it again in the future ><  As always i am posting with a poem that i have written. Please enjoy :

Little drops of emotion, raining from your eyes
Drops that tell the truth, drops that never lie
Filled with various emotions, including those from fears
These little droplets are what we call tears

Every person creates them in despair or joy
Tears are born from emotions and hence cannot be destroyed
But the best tears out there is one that is 100% pure
It conveys your sincerity and this I can assure

These tears are rarely shed, or so from sources I hear,
But they are always shed for those of whom you hold dear
For them you want to show them, despite them being rare
For them you would shed them, no matter when or where

I'm sure everyone has someone, whom they hold dear
The emotions you want to show them, shed them in the form of tears

P.s. Thanks to Julie for reading through and telling me her thoughts on it >< i really owe it to you.


Andy xD

Saturday 19 May 2012


Hey blog readers~~ Well today is my friend Sam's Bdaii and in dedication to him i have written this poem >< i am posting it on here as i think somethings i say in there are relevant to others as well so yea ^^ have fun reading xP

I've known you for four and a half short years
But we've been through everything, even Shakespeare
You're fun, nice, caring and sometimes lame too
But you’re a friend to whom I wish I'll never say adieu

You say your dumb and I'm smarter than you
But the truth is that you are very smart too
Each person is smart but sometimes its sealed
Waiting for them to open it, for it to be revealed

I'm sure you have potential hidden inside
So keep your head up and strut with pride
I'm sure u will get what you hope achieve
As long as you are willing to believe

So just believe in yourself and it'll come to you
But before that, Happy birthday to you

Andy xD

Thursday 10 May 2012

Nostalgia ~~

Hey guys~~~ Well.... i have been lazy for the past few days since my IOC had finished and so i didn't update the blog in a while... for that i am very sorry ><. To make it up, i have written a poem that i think (emphasis on the i think) many of you can connect to (by many i mean those who have been in relationships or have crushes).
Anyways~ ENJOY~~

Rain falling from the skies
Tears streaming undisguised
Feeling of sadness grows and swells
While upon the past I sit and dwell

Looking up towards the sky
Vision blurs as I  cry
The stars sparkle like your eyes
With seductiveness I cannot deny

The moon shines with mysterious grace
Its silver light transgressing space
Upon me the silver light doth shine
The feeling, with words I cannot define

Along with warmth it brings back memories
Recounting them like countless diaries
Back into the past I am thrown once more
To find what went wrong, to go and explore

I long to look upon you once more
And allow your radiance warm me to the core
So to my side, please come back
And relieve me from this world of black

Andy xD

p.s. thanks to Julie Truong, Anita Lim and Celine Lee for giving me feedback and correcting parts that did not make sense >< LOVE YOU ALL ^^

Friday 4 May 2012

hahahaha short update of life :P

Hey guys,
So rescently i have been addicted to this mando song:
Its like SOOOOOOOOOO good. However, half my friends like it, half my friends dont ...... which is kinda lolz. but i LOVE it and will remain doing so till sometime XD

oh on the another note: IOC! I HAVE FINALLY COMPLETED IOC! no more MACBETH in my life foreverrrr, feels soo good.  However the results of doing IOC:

Thanks Maggie for linking me that! sooo true although exaggerated.

Liang XD

Saturday 28 April 2012

100% Real

Hey blog readers~~~ Sorry for not blogging in lyk AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS~~ but yea.. just didn't know what to write about otherwise i had no time to blog. As usual i have prepared a poem for you guys to read >< ENJOY~~

Can you feel the wind in your hair
The slight sweetness in the air
Can you feel the sun's warm light
And the seductiveness of the night

All of these are 100% real
But somehow they seem so surreal
Now look up into the vast, overwhelming sky
And see the two moons  that circle the sky

One represents  your hopes and dreams
Ready for you to grab it by its seams
The other represents the bonds you create
Through time and generations it permeates

In its moonlight you sit and bathe
Around you its energy begins to swathe
The energy it gives you is power and might
That gives you the force to fight

To fight for your dreams and to fight for what's right
Keeping the ray of hope shining bright
And soon they will be more than surreal
They will be 100% real

Anyway i'll find time to blog again ^^ Until then 


p.s. Although this is really late but I GOT A NEW PHONE!! LIKE FINALLY!!! 
p.p.s Thanks to Stephanie Davidson and Celine Lee for proofreading this poem and giving advice to me.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Short post about whats happening :P

Hey guys, i took like a 3 months break from blogging....ok maybe more....but yea lifes been getting busy, with ioc and all this shit coming up, i finally understand what the past grade 12s mean by busy. However, you are just in this mood, where you know theres a fing IB assessment thats worth 15% of your grade, yet you do not want to do it, you do not want to study for it! and its rite in front of you! those moods are by far the worst moods you can ever get so if you ever get stuck, just go do something else. if you have any tips of how to get motivated, feel free to comment, as i am sure it will apply to a lot of people in my grade rite now, but u know what, ioc, YOUR ON!

Sunday 4 March 2012

Friend's Betrayal~~

So hey  blog readers~~ sorry for not posting anything for lyk 2 months?? but yea i am now a year 12 student and so i kinda am busy doing school work since this is my last year and at the end of this year i have to do my IB exams... the real ones.... Anyway i will try to post as much things/poems as i can.

Oh and this poem is dedicated to the person that goes under the name idk in the cbox since you gave me the topic for this poem. I hope you like it ^^

Betrayal comes in all sorts of forms
A being that can be easily born
Once born it rips your insides out
And leaves you full of empty doubts

Betrayal can be born from infinity
And hence there is no immunity
No matter what, it still gets to you
And on your heart it decides to chew

The pain it brings is unbearable
The injuries it leaves is un-repairable
But worst of all is the type of betrayal
The one so called a "friends betrayal"

This type of betrayal is worst than all
It is the type that makes any man fall
The thought of friends that should help you
Would turn your back to betray you

You'd think that friends are here for you
 Not use you then say goodbye,  adieu
The hurt that is caused from a friends betrayal
Is like standing outside in the midst of hail

So if there's any advice I can give to you
Is to choose your friends wisely, to look them through
Cuz when your friendship sets off to sail
You won't need to worry about any sort of betrayal.

As always, if you have a topic for me to write a poem on, please don't hesitate to post it as a comment or leave a message in the cbox. I will try to get bak to you with a poem of your topic and dedicated to you ^^

anyways better get back to my homework


p.s. Special thanks to Julie and Steph for proof reading this poem for me to make sure that it makes sens. LOVE YOU GUYS ALOT!!

Tuesday 21 February 2012


Sorry guys, i have not been blogging.... i willl try not to start my blogpost with that sentence in the future.

So only been 4 or is it 5 weeks into grade and already i have done the following:

2000 word EE outline (mines 5000)
Physics DCPCE
English Commentary
About 5 IOCs (+/- a number)
Maths Review Sets 16 and exercises (really maths review set 16 takes around 5 hours no joke)
Maths: finished learning chapter 16 which ususally should take at LEAST  a term, and it took like 3 weeks for us...

Ah i like complaining don't I?

Oh wells, feel happy for the amount of work you have done so far! and then keep moving on.....

Hey its Wednesday tomz, my fav day of the week! ^^

p.s. i am like the only boy doing chem SL....

Sunday 29 January 2012


Anyway I AM SOOO SORRY FOR NOT BLOGGING THESE DAY!! as you may know (or may not) i am in my final year of skewl and as it is my final year, everything is crashing down, the heaven's, the sky, everything!! So lyk i have been doing homework or studying or making notes or rushing last minute reports and hence i have not had time to make up poems nor blog about anything!! Not only this.... but i am still stuck on a topic for a poem = = Anyway... The purpose of this blog is that my friend Angie Wong is selling her IB books to those who need it. (of course you can only buy if you look in brisbane as she cannot ship the books to anywhere overseas). This is the link of the books she is selling:
So far out of the 8 books that are up 4 have already been sold ^^ so get in quick if you want them since this is based on a first in first serve system ^^ if somone gets in before you (be it 1 day or 1 second) i am afraid that you will not be able to get it... so heed my words GET IN QUICK!! don't say i didn't warn you if you have one of the books you wanted taken before you!!! 

Anyway i will try to make another post sometime soon.... but looking at my schedule it may be a stretch... We'll see. But for now TTYL~~~

Andy xD

Monday 23 January 2012

Yoon Mi Rae

Well first of all, sorry blog readers for not keeping my promise and uploading a poem by yesterday TT~TT i rly did not hav an idea on what poem to write. So i am making it up by posting today altho i do not have a poem this time .....

Secondly, i was watching Immortal Song 2 (a korean variety show) and i came across a song that i actually did not noe of but have now come to like it >< it is called Memories and is sung and rapped by yoon mi rae~~~ have a look at it

so did you like it??? i did >< btw the idol singer who sang this song in immortal song 2 is Hyorin from Sistar ^^ if you havn't heard her voice before you shoudl cuz i mean the girl has a really powerful voice ><  Have a listen to one of her songs that she remade in Immortal song 2

so how was it >< ?? oooh and this song is called the man from back then and was originally sung by sim soo bong. Well this is it for now~~ i promise to blog with a poem soon but atm i gotta go to some hw since skewl started TT~TT

well cyaz later

Andy xD

Friday 20 January 2012

Ice Skating

So here is the promised once every two day poem post ^^ This one is dedicated to my friend Samuel tsai since he gave me the topic of todays ice skating outing for this poem ><. It not rly written well... but enjoy ^^

The time has come to show our fail skills
In a place that gives you the chills
To acacia ridge we go
A place that is 0 degrees or below

With skates that hurt our feet  to the brink
We take off into the ice rink
We try to skate but sadly fail
Even though we were holding onto the rail

Once we thought we were ready to let go
To be able to skate, to go with the flow
But as soon as we do we fall to the ground
We fall to floor with a big as pound

With our butts hurting and pants all wet
We get off the ground feeling upset
But we didn't give up, we kept on going
Swearing as much as the wind was blowing

Just when we got the hang of it
It was time to go, it was time to quit
So we went off and stood their waiting
Cuz for CAS we are claiming ice Skating 

Andy xD

p.s. the last two line you wun get unless you do the IB or know someone who does the IB.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Look Towards The Future

No matter how dark the past has been
No matter what grotesque things you've seen
Do not let them hold you back
Do not let your life turn black

Leave those filthy things behind
And go towards the undefined
Towards the future where everything is bright
Where everywhere god shine's his light

Shed some tears if you must
If  you think it'll help you adjust
Tears of joy and tears of pain
Let it come out, do not refrain

Once it's out and your nice and fresh
Start life again, Begin afresh
Forget the past and all it's pain
Look towards the future, look towards your domain

Andy xD

p.s. Sorry readers for not blogging alot.... i've been kinda absorbed in my holidays so much that i kinda didn't feel lyk creating poems.. But from now on i shall write on at least every 2 days if i can >< please subscribe to our blog if you think that it is an okay blog and remember to check back now and then to see my new poems ^^ (if you like them that is). OOH and i'm kinda running out of ideas to write poems on so.. feel free to give me a topic as a comment on this post or in the cbox and i will dedicate that poem to you ^^ well for now cyaz and i hope i will have another poem to post done in the nxt two days or so ^^

Tuesday 17 January 2012


hey guys,

sorry for not blogging for a lonnnnng time..... its mianly coz there isnt really anything interesting to talk about. life is normal as usual....
skool is about to start in 6 days.I am happy XDand annoyed at the same time. I am happy coz although IB sucks, there is still a thing called friends, and it is them that give you encouragement, confidence and happiness. But i am sad because, now that realising skool is so near, i realise that i dont have a lot of time left to revise and study with no stress and perfect environment. As soon as skool starts, everything is gonna be so hectic, and stress. For those who dont go to qa, we have a 2000 word draft ee due in week 2.... if that helps with the enthusiasm to go to the skool.

Liang XD